HR Integration - Console

Table of contents

DB configuration

  1. Check the information of the resource named "legacy" from the resources registered in the tomcat/conf/context.xml file.

  2. In the config tab of the console, change the user sync option to DB, and then fill the following items with the resource information.
    • DB Driver Class Name : driverClassName
    • DB Url : url
    • User ID : username
    • User Password : password

Query tuning

  1. Open the webapps/ROOT/WEB-INF/classes/com/namusoft/ef/store/dbstore/xml/mysql/EFLegacy.xml file to check the queries.
  2. Input the query of <select id="EFLegacy.getLegacyDuty" resultMap="EFLegacy.DutyResult"> into the position for the duty query.
    • Input the values in the order of dutyid, order, and dutyname as per the names.
    • If the order value is missing, input 1.
    • When moving to the next line, use a space or tab.

  3. Input the query of <select id="EFLegacy.getLegacyOrg" resultMap="EFLegacy.OrgResult"> into the position for the organization query.
    • Input the values in the order of name, depth, orgid, orgpid, `order` as per the names.
    • If the order value is missing, input 1.
    • When moving to the next line, use a space or tab.

  • Input the query of <select id="EFLegacy.getLegacyUser" resultMap="EFLegacy.UserResult" parameterClass="String"> into the position for the user query.
    • Input the values in the order of name, dutyid, email, userid, cellular, `status`, 'passwd', 'position', 'level' as per the names.
    • Usually, the following values are set as constants.

      email : COALESCE(Email, '-')
      cellular : '-'
      status : 'A'
      passwd : ''
      position : ''

    • The level values are as follows:

      1 : User
      5 : Department Head
      540 : Administrator

    • When moving to the next line, use a space or tab.

    ※ If the name is not displayed in the output during query testing, it will be fixed in the next patch.

    Even if the name is not visible in the output, the name will still be saved correctly in the database.


After selecting the level application method (automatic/manual), click the apply button.

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