Policy Management

Table of Contents

Basic capacity management

Function Description
Disk usage status

Shows the usage status of the currently allocated disk in a graph.
If the department and personal folders are separated, they are displayed separately.

Overall allocation capacity management

Logically allocates the total capacity of the storage.
Setting the capacity for [All department folders/All personal folders] is optional.

Basic allocation capacity management

The default capacity assigned to each department and user.
The allocated capacity is used when accessing from the client.

File retention period  

[How to use]

  1. Click 'Policy Management' in the main menu.
  2. Click the 'Basic Capacity Management' menu under the Policy Management submenu.
  3. Click the [Edit] button to change to an editable state.
  4. Click the [Save] button to apply the settings.

System settings

[Screen description]
Set the web link-related policies used in FilingBox.

[How to use]

  1. Click 'Policy' in the main menu.
  2. Click the 'System settings' menu under the Policy Management submenu.
  3. Check the option to use the default web link value to prevent users from modifying link-related values.
    That is, when this option is enabled, users must follow the download days and download counts set by the administrator. If this option is [disabled], users can set the download days and counts manually.
  4. You can specify the maximum download days for the extracted web link.
  5. You can specify the maximum download counts for the extracted web link.
  6. Click the [Edit] button to make it editable.
  7. Click the [Save] button to apply the settings.

[Screen description]
Set related policies such as 'Recycle Bin file retention period', 'Revision count', and 'Restricted file extensions' used in FilingBox.

[How to use]

  1. Click 'Policy Management' in the main menu.
  2. Click the 'System Settings' menu under the policy management submenu.
    • Click the [Edit] button to change to an editable state.
    • Click the [Save] button to apply the changes.
  3. You can enable the feature to allow users to change their passwords on the client.
  4. You can specify the retention period for files in the recycle bin. This applies after the file is moved to the recycle bin.
  5. Entering '0' will prevent the files in the recycle bin from being cleaned up.
  6. Specify the number of revisions. Files created beyond this limit will be cleaned up through a daily batch process.
  7. You can specify a waiting time before deleting files with restricted extensions.
  8. You can specify restricted file extensions. Files with these extensions will be automatically deleted upon upload.
  9. Enter the extension without the dot (.) and separate multiple extensions with commas (,).

IP range management

[Screen description]

Set the IP ranges that can access FilingBox. You can register allowed and blocked IPs.

[How to use]

  1. Click 'Policy Management' in the main menu.
  2. Click the 'IP Range Management' menu under the policy management submenu.
  3. In the details section, click the [Add] button under [Accessible IP List], [Blocked IP List], or [Admin Page Accessible IP List].
  4. When the IP addition screen appears, enter a description and the IP range for the IP.
  5. Click the [Apply] button to register the IP, and you will be able to confirm the added IP range in the list.

Document collection policy

[Screen Description]

Set the backup (collection) policy for documents created on the user's PC.

[How to Use]

  1. Click 'Policy Management' in the main menu.
  2. Click the 'Document Collection Policy' menu under the policy management submenu.
  3. Decide whether to use the collection feature.
    • Not Used: The collection feature is not used.
    • Used: The collection feature will be used according to the policies set below.
  4. Collection Policy: By default, [Periodic Collection] is selected and cannot be changed.
  5. Collection Interval: The interval between when the collection agent performs its task to upload the collected files.
  6. File Upload Interval: Set the wait time between uploading files.
  7. Storage Policy: Set the location where the backed-up files will be stored.
    • Personal Folder: Backups will be stored in a folder named Collects under the user's personal folder in FilingBox.
    • Specific Folder: The folder will not be visible in FilingBox, but you can specify a particular area on the server for backup.
      In this case, you need to enter the specific physical path of the server. (Ex. /storage/backup)
  8. Storage Path: If a specific folder is designated in the storage policy, enter the server's physical path. (Refer to the example above)
  9. Keep Original Files: This option allows you to choose whether to keep or delete the PC files after they are backed up.
  10. Use Full Scan: If checked as [Used], when the user's PC has not yet been fully backed up, a full scan will be performed, and user files will be backed up to the location defined in the storage policy.
  11. Collect Files from Removable Disks: Decide whether to collect files stored on USB or removable disks.
  12. Collect Files from Hard Drives: Decide whether to collect files stored on the hard drive of the PC.
    To back up user PC files, this should be set to [Used] by default.
  13. Collect Files from Remote Disks: Decide whether to collect files from drives connected to the user's PC over the network.
  14. Collect Files from CD-ROM Disks: Decide whether to collect files stored on optical disks like CD/DVD.
  15. Collect Files from RAM Disks: Decide whether to collect files stored on memory cards and similar devices.

    Collection Target Setting Methods

    • Exclusion Path Setting: Collect files from all paths, except for those registered as exclusion paths.
    • Collection Path Setting: Collect files only from specific paths registered under the set paths.
    • After setting the policies, always click the [Save] button at the bottom right to apply the settings.

Document collection target settings

[Screen Description]

Set the targets to back up on the user's PC.
(Currently, only “Exclusion Paths” and “Extensions to Collect” are used)

The configurable items are:

Exclusion Paths
You can specify folders on the PC that will not be monitored.
  • Expressed using regular expressions.
  • If no exclusion paths are set, the load on the PC may increase.
Extensions to Collect
Enter the extensions to collect from the PC.
(If there are multiple extensions, separate them with a comma)

Document collection target users

[Screen Description]

  1. Click ‘Policy Management’ in the main menu.
  2. Click the ‘Document Collection Target Users’ menu under the policy management submenu.
    By default, all users are included in the collection targets.
    If you want to exclude specific users from the collection policy, select the target users and set them as non-applicable.
  3. To exclude a user from the collection target, select the user.
     Multiple users can be selected, or you can select an entire department.
  4. To set the selected user as a non-applicable user, click the left arrow button.
      Users classified as non-applicable will not be subject to the backup policy.
      To later re-include a non-applicable user, reverse the above steps.

Smart update file registration/management

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