Creating Project folders
- Log in to the admin console.
- In the left navigation, Click Project folders.
- Click Create folder.
- Enter the folder name.
- Click Create.
Deleting Project folders
- Log in to the admin console.
- In the left navigation, Click Project folders.
- Select a folder.
- On the bottom right of the right panel, click Delete folder.
- Confirm the folder deletion.
Changing Project folder names
- Log in to the admin console.
- In the left navigation, Click Project folders.
- Select a folder.
- In the right panel, click the pencil icon next to the current folder name.
- Edit the folder name.
- Press enter.
Managing Project folder permissions
- Log in to the admin console.
- In the left navigation, Click Project folders.
- Select a folder.
- In the right panel, click the Setting in the User permssions section.
- Search users to add.
- Select a user in the searched user list.
- Select permissions of the folder. (Read-only or Read-Write / Share / Trash)
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