Info.xml Policy settings

Info.xml is located in the agent's Resources folder and is created to allow different options applied per site to be used in the same agent environment.
Distribution and application method

Info.xml is uploaded to a specific location on the server (under the Web ROOT /cab folder).

When the user installs the agent, the file (Info.xml) is downloaded from the server.

Configuration items

Setup context item settings: Refer to the comments below.

<!-- .NET module installation status --> <dotnetinstall>true</dotnetinstall>

<!-- SSO server IP --> <!-- If no information is provided, the web server IP will be used. --> <sso_server_port></sso_server_port>

<!-- Program to run at Windows startup, Not used: 0, box.exe: 1, externalexcutebox.exe: 2 --> <startup_schtasks>2</startup_schtasks>

<!-- Shortcut icon link setting, box.exe: 1, externalexcutebox.exe: 2 --> <shortcutlink>2</shortcutlink>

<!-- SSL usage status --> <ssl>false</ssl>

<!-- Reboot Windows after installation --> <install_reboot>false</install_reboot>

<!-- Reboot Windows after uninstallation --> <uninstall_reboot>false</uninstall_reboot>

Service context item settings: Refer to the comments below.

<!-- Whether the collection service is used, the service registration will be executed regardless of ssoagent status -->
<!-- sso
service usage status -->
<!-- sso ad integration --><!-- ulogis usage -->
<!-- grpdll installation status -->

Common Context Item Settings: Refer to the comments below.

<title>Webhard (FilingBox)</title> <!-- 0 : #323A45 navy blue | 1 : #E2E7ED gray | 2 : #FFFFFF white --> <thema_color>0</thema_color>
<copyright>Copyright ⓒ namusoft Co.,Ltd. All rights reserved.</copyright>

Box Context Item Settings: Refer to the comments below.

<!-- Auto login part -->

<!-- Local IP login method (Chungnam Daejeon District Office) --> <autologin_localip>false</autologin_localip>

<!-- Auto-login with nsafe AES256 encryption --> <autologin_nsafe>false</autologin_nsafe>

<!-- Access manager integration auto-login --> <autologin_am>false</autologin_am>

<!-- Login window part -->
<!-- Login window configuration button usage (knoc not used) --> <menu_login_configbtn>true</menu_login_configbtn>

<!-- Main window part -->
<!-- User and administrator display -->

<!-- knoc false -->
<!-- Logout menu usage -->
<!-- Not used: Chungnam Daejeon District Office, Ulsan Korea Petroleum Corporation, Gwangju Buk District Office, Chungbuk Danyang County --> <menu_logout>false</menu_logout>

<!-- Bulletin board popup usage -->

<!-- Search function usage -->

<!-- Main window configuration button usage -->

<!-- Edit file list tab usage --><!-- kcl, ulogis not used --> <tab_editfilelist>true</tab_editfilelist>

<!-- PC-based document collection list tab usage -->

<!-- PC-based collection device name option: Web creation 0, Computer name 1 --> <type_machinename>1</type_machinename>

<!-- Title bar message display / Main window logo creation should be used only when not created -->
<menu_title_comment>Revision is saved up to 6 only. </menu_title_comment>

<!-- Secret folder creation menu usage (Use: true) -->
<!-- Tip kcl, knoc do not use secret shared folders --> <menu_secret_folder>true</menu_secret_folder>

<!-- Project folder menu usage (Use: true) -->
<!-- Tip kcl do not use project folder --> <menu_project_folder>true</menu_project_folder>

<!-- Disconnect personal folder usage (Use: true) -->
<!-- Tip knoc use personal folder disconnect --> <unmount_private_folder>false</unmount_private_folder>

<!-- Program exit file status pop-up function usage when editing mode is on -->
<!-- Tip: ulogis not used --> <check_opened_documents>true</check_opened_documents>

<!-- True: Single drive mount, false: Individual folder drive mount --> <wrapup_drives_mount>true</wrapup_drives_mount>

<!-- Single drive label. Initial value FilingBox --> <wrapup_mount_label>Webhard (FilingBox)</wrapup_mount_label>

<!-- Hide client window during login process (used by knoc) -->
<!-- Only used with auto login --> <hide_window>false</hide_window>

<!-- Password change window usage when logging in with reset password status --> <reset_password>false</reset_password>

<!-- Timer setting for checking login status on New Administration System. Minutes unit. --> <timer_passnicslogin>20</timer_passnicslogin>

<!-- Mount drive type (default 1) -->
<!-- [1 : Local Disk] [2 : Removable Disk] [3 : CD Room] [4 : Virtual Disk] --> <mount_mediatype>1</mount_mediatype>

BoxShellExtension context item configuration : Refer to the comments below.

             <!-- Co-authoring mode usage --> <!-- Tip: Not used by Namdong District Office -->     <menu_coauthor>true</menu_coauthor>

             <!-- Local editing mode usage -->

             <!-- File history usage -->


Update context item settings : Refer to the comment below.

             <!-- Whether to activate the update progress screen (show : true, hide : false) -->
             <!--knoc hide-->

Externalexecutebox context item settings : Refer to the comment below.

             <!--Number of log creation attempts when requesting information from the Saeol Administrative System-->
             <!--tip : bukgu, danyang use-->              <request_count>99999</request_count>
             <!--End after the specified number of requests for Saeol Administrative System information (true : end, false : continue requesting)-->
             <!--tip : bukgu = true, danyang = false-->

             <!--Saeol Administrative System Code-->
             <!-- Bukgu District Office : 3130322e…truncated…e32342e3534, Danyang County Office : 3130372e31312…truncated…0332e323530-->

             <!--Continue checking after logout detection in the Saeol Administrative System until login is complete-->
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