- Usage
- Info.xml is located in the agent's Resources folder and is created to allow different options applied per site to be used in the same agent environment.
- Distribution and application method
Info.xml is uploaded to a specific location on the server (under the Web ROOT /cab folder).
When the user installs the agent, the file (Info.xml) is downloaded from the server.
- Configuration items
Setup context item settings: Refer to the comments below.
<!-- .NET module installation status --> <dotnetinstall>true</dotnetinstall>
<!-- SSO server IP --> <!-- If no information is provided, the web server IP will be used. --> <sso_server_port></sso_server_port>
<!-- Program to run at Windows startup, Not used: 0, box.exe: 1, externalexcutebox.exe: 2 --> <startup_schtasks>2</startup_schtasks>
<!-- Shortcut icon link setting, box.exe: 1, externalexcutebox.exe: 2 --> <shortcutlink>2</shortcutlink>
<!-- SSL usage status --> <ssl>false</ssl>
<!-- Reboot Windows after installation --> <install_reboot>false</install_reboot>
<!-- Reboot Windows after uninstallation --> <uninstall_reboot>false</uninstall_reboot>
</setup>Service context item settings: Refer to the comments below.
<service> <!-- Whether the collection service is used, the service registration will be executed regardless of ssoagent status --> <grpcollector>false</grpcollector>
<!-- sso service usage status -->
<!-- sso ad integration --><!-- ulogis usage -->
<!-- grpdll installation status -->
</service>Common Context Item Settings: Refer to the comments below.
<title>Webhard (FilingBox)</title> <!-- 0 : #323A45 navy blue | 1 : #E2E7ED gray | 2 : #FFFFFF white --> <thema_color>0</thema_color>
<copyright>Copyright ⓒ namusoft Co.,Ltd. All rights reserved.</copyright>
</common>Box Context Item Settings: Refer to the comments below.
<box> <!-- Auto login part -->
<!-- Local IP login method (Chungnam Daejeon District Office) --> <autologin_localip>false</autologin_localip>
<!-- Auto-login with nsafe AES256 encryption --> <autologin_nsafe>false</autologin_nsafe>
<!-- Access manager integration auto-login --> <autologin_am>false</autologin_am>
<!-- Login window part -->
<!-- Login window configuration button usage (knoc not used) --> <menu_login_configbtn>true</menu_login_configbtn>
<!-- Main window part -->
<!-- User and administrator display -->
<!-- knoc false -->
<!-- Logout menu usage -->
<!-- Not used: Chungnam Daejeon District Office, Ulsan Korea Petroleum Corporation, Gwangju Buk District Office, Chungbuk Danyang County --> <menu_logout>false</menu_logout>
<!-- Bulletin board popup usage -->
<!-- Search function usage -->
<!-- Main window configuration button usage -->
<!-- Edit file list tab usage --><!-- kcl, ulogis not used --> <tab_editfilelist>true</tab_editfilelist>
<!-- PC-based document collection list tab usage -->
<!-- PC-based collection device name option: Web creation 0, Computer name 1 --> <type_machinename>1</type_machinename>
<!-- Title bar message display / Main window logo creation should be used only when not created -->
<menu_title_comment>Revision is saved up to 6 only. </menu_title_comment>
<!-- Secret folder creation menu usage (Use: true) -->
<!-- Tip kcl, knoc do not use secret shared folders --> <menu_secret_folder>true</menu_secret_folder>
<!-- Project folder menu usage (Use: true) -->
<!-- Tip kcl do not use project folder --> <menu_project_folder>true</menu_project_folder>
<!-- Disconnect personal folder usage (Use: true) -->
<!-- Tip knoc use personal folder disconnect --> <unmount_private_folder>false</unmount_private_folder>
<!-- Program exit file status pop-up function usage when editing mode is on -->
<!-- Tip: ulogis not used --> <check_opened_documents>true</check_opened_documents>
<!-- True: Single drive mount, false: Individual folder drive mount --> <wrapup_drives_mount>true</wrapup_drives_mount>
<!-- Single drive label. Initial value FilingBox --> <wrapup_mount_label>Webhard (FilingBox)</wrapup_mount_label>
<!-- Hide client window during login process (used by knoc) -->
<!-- Only used with auto login --> <hide_window>false</hide_window>
<!-- Password change window usage when logging in with reset password status --> <reset_password>false</reset_password>
<!-- Timer setting for checking login status on New Administration System. Minutes unit. --> <timer_passnicslogin>20</timer_passnicslogin>
<!-- Mount drive type (default 1) -->
<!-- [1 : Local Disk] [2 : Removable Disk] [3 : CD Room] [4 : Virtual Disk] --> <mount_mediatype>1</mount_mediatype>
</box>BoxShellExtension context item configuration : Refer to the comments below.
<!-- Co-authoring mode usage --> <!-- Tip: Not used by Namdong District Office --> <menu_coauthor>true</menu_coauthor>
<!-- Local editing mode usage --> <menu_localeditmode>false</menu_localeditmode>
<!-- File history usage -->
</boxshllextension>Update context item settings : Refer to the comment below.
<update> <!-- Whether to activate the update progress screen (show : true, hide : false) -->
<!--knoc hide-->
</update>Externalexecutebox context item settings : Refer to the comment below.
<!--Number of log creation attempts when requesting information from the Saeol Administrative System-->
<!--tip : bukgu, danyang use--> <request_count>99999</request_count>
<!--End after the specified number of requests for Saeol Administrative System information (true : end, false : continue requesting)-->
<!--tip : bukgu = true, danyang = false-->
<!--Saeol Administrative System Code-->
<!-- Bukgu District Office : 3130322e…truncated…e32342e3534, Danyang County Office : 3130372e31312…truncated…0332e323530-->
<!--Continue checking after logout detection in the Saeol Administrative System until login is complete-->
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