Change and delete Shared folder

Table of contents

Change a Shared folder

    1. Log in to the admin console: Log in to the admin console using the administrator account.
    2. Navigate to shared folder management: Select Shared Folder Management from the navigation menu.
    3. View shared folder list: In the shared folder section, click the expand button (arrow icon) next to the top-level folder Shared to display the list of shared folders.
    4. Select shared folder to change: Select the shared folder you want to modify.

    5. Change shared folder: Modify the shared folder name and drive mode, then select Change.

      Input field Input rules
      Shared folder name 3 to 10 characters, any letters (special characters not allowed)
    6. Approve shared folder change: In the final confirmation message for the shared folder change, select Confirm.

Delete a Shared folder

    1. Log in to the admin console: Log in to the admin console using the administrator account.
    2. Navigate to shared folder management: Select Shared Folder Management from the navigation menu.
    3. View shared folder list: In the shared folder section, click the expand button (arrow icon) next to the top-level folder Shared to display the list of shared folders.
    4. Select shared folder to delete: Select the shared folder you want to delete.

    5. Delete shared folder: Select Delete for the shared folder.
    6. Approve shared folder deletion: In the final confirmation message for the shared folder deletion, select Confirm.


      When deleting a shared folder, all data stored in that shared folder will be immediately and permanently deleted, and recovery is not possible.

Manage a Recovery folder (per Shared folder)

    1. Log in to the admin console: Log in to the admin console using the administrator account.
    2. Navigate to shared folder management: Select Shared Folder Management from the navigation menu.
    3. View shared folder list: In the shared folder section, click the expand button (arrow icon) next to the top-level folder Shared to display the list of shared folders.
    4. Select a shared folder: Select the shared folder you want to manage its recovery folder.
    5. Create/Update/Delete the recovery folder: Select the Create/Update/Delete button in the Recovery Folder area.


      When deleting the recovery folder, all data stored in the recovery folder will be immediately and permanently deleted.

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