Package uninstallation

Go to the uninstallation menu

To uninstall FilingBox MEGA2 v2 Windows Client, you must use the app removal menu provided by Windows OS.

  1. Click the Start button > Select the Settings menu

    Click the Microsoft button at the bottom left of the screen and select the ‘Settings’ menu.

  2. Go to Settings Home > Apps > Select the System menu

    In the Settings page, select the ‘Apps > System’ menu.

  3. Select System > Apps & Features menu

    In the System page, select the ‘Apps & Features’ menu.

Search for FilingBox MEGA2 v2 Windows Client program

In the ‘Apps & Features’ page, typing ‘FilingBox MEGA’ into the search field will automatically search for the installed program.

Uninstall FilingBox MEGA2 v2 Windows Client program

  1. Start program removal

    When you click on the search result for ‘FilingBox MEGA2 v2 Windows Client’, a ‘Remove’ button will appear on the right. Clicking this ‘Remove’ button will show a confirmation message. Clicking ‘Yes’ will start the program removal process.

    ‘Remove’ button screen

    Confirmation screen for uninstallation

  2. Uninstallation of FilingBox MEGA2 v2 Windows Client program

    The following tasks are performed to remove the FilingBox MEGA2 v2 Windows Client program.

    1. Stop the running client program.
    2. Delete the Start Menu and shortcut icon files created during installation.
    3. Remove registry settings.
    4. Delete created directories and files.
  3. FilingBox MEGA2 v2 Windows Client program uninstallation completed

    Once the uninstallation of the FilingBox MEGA2 v2 Windows Client program is complete, the following screen will appear. Clicking the ‘Close’ button will display a confirmation message indicating that the uninstallation has been completed.

    Uninstallation completion screen

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