Minimum system requirements for installation

Table of Contents

Software / Hardware Requirements

Category Requirements
CPU Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-13400 CPU @ 2.50 GHz or higher
RAM 16 GB or higher
SSD At least 10 GB of space required for product installation
NIC At least one 100/1000 Mbps

Rocky Linux 8.8 64-bit (Kernel 4.18.0-477.10.1) (online)

Rocky Linux 8.9 64-bit (Kernel 4.18.0-513.24.1) (online/offline)

SW MariaDB 10.11.5
Tomcat 9.0.85
OpenJDK 1.8.0_382
Nginx 1.24.0
Web Browser Google Chrome: Chrome 120.0 (64bit)

System Access Requirements for Installation

To install the FilingBox MEGA2 v2 Server package, you must initially log in to the system with the ‘root’ account.


Installation is performed with the 'root' account, but after installation, all processes necessary for the operation of FilingBox MEGA2 v2 Server will run under the user account created during the installation. Additionally, the ownership of the files copied to the system will be assigned to the user account created during installation.

Pre-installation Software

Before installing the FilingBox MEGA2 v2 Server package, the following software must be installed for the proper functioning of the FilingBox MEGA2 v2 Server software. Therefore, you should verify that the listed software is running and check the version of the software currently in use.

  • Required Version: 9.0.85
  • Installation Requirements:
    For integration with FilingBox MEGA2 v2 Server, the Tomcat software must be installed in the “/namusoft/web” directory. If it was previously installed in a different location for another purpose, it must be additionally installed in the above directory.
  • How to Check Installed Version:
    In the directory where Tomcat is installed, navigate to the 'lib' folder and run the following command:
    java -cp catalina.jar org.apache.catalina.util.ServerInfo
  • Execution

  • Required Version: 1.8.0
  • How to Check Installed Version:
    mysql -V
  • Execution

  • Required Version: 10.11.15
  • How to Check Installed Version:
    java –version
  • Execution

  • Pre-configuration Items
    The system account information (username/password) for the database that FilingBox MEGA2 v2 Server will use must be configured beforehand.
    The system account information for the pre-configured DB will be used during the installation of FilingBox MEGA2 v2 Server to configure the database for the Server and create the DB accounts.


    Be cautious not to create or use unnecessary DB accounts.

  • Required Version: 1.24.0
  • How to Check Installed Version:
    /usr/local/nginx/sbin/nginx -v
  • Execution

  • Pre-configuration Items

External IT Entity

To send alert emails to authorized administrators when a potential security breach is detected, an external SMTP server must be operational.

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