Initial setup

  1. Accessing the FilingBox MEGA2 v2 Server

    After installing the FilingBox MEGA2 v2 Server, connect to the server using a web browser. The IP address for accessing the server is configured during installation. Attempts to access the server from unregistered IP addresses will not display the login screen.

    Example) If the FilingBox MEGA2 v2 Server IP address is, enter the following in the browser's address bar:

    Screen when accessing from unauthorized IP addresses:

    This is an unusual behavior.Contact your administrator.

  2. License key registration and verification method

    To use the product properly, you must enter the license key provided by the manufacturer and set the verification method.

    Verification methods
    Verification ensures the validity of the entered license key. Select the appropriate method from the following options:
    Cloud-based Internal
    This method verifies the validity using the manufacturer’s cloud-based license key verification system.


    If the server’s operating environment cannot communicate with external systems, select the internal verification method.


    For details on the internal verification server, consult the person responsible for its installation.

  3. License key
    Enter the license key provided by the manufacturer when purchasing the FilingBox MEGA.
    • Input rules : No restrictions except for spaces.
    • Input length : No limit
    • Default value : None


    If the license key expires, all allowed apps will operate in "read-only" mode, and only the license key input screen will appear upon logging into the admin web UI. Contact the manufacturer to obtain a new license key.

  4. The initial setup screen appears as shown below.
    Click the Start button to proceed to the next step.

  5. Creating an admin account

    The screen for creating an "admin" account is displayed.
    Enter the ID and password for the admin account, then click the Next button.

    • Admin name
      A name to identify the user ID
      • Input rules : No restrictions
      • Input length : 1–20 characters
      • Default value : None

      If no value is entered, the following error message will appear (The input field allows up to 20 characters due to the length limit.):

      Please enter an admin name within 20 characters.

    • Admin ID
      The login account
      • Input rules : Must start with a lowercase letter, followed by any combination of numbers, _, or lowercase letters.
      • Input length : 5–20 characters
      • Default value : None

      If no value is entered or if the format is incorrect, the following error message will appear (The input field allows up to 20 characters due to the length limit.):

      Please start with a letter and use a combination of letters, numbers, or '_' between 5 and 20 characters.

    • Admin password
      The login password
      • Input rules

        Must include at least one uppercase letter, one lowercase letter, one number, and one special character ($!@%*#?&).

        Repeating characters or numbers in sequence is not allowed.

        Sequential keyboard patterns are not allowed.

      • Input length : 10–20 characters
      • Default value : None

      If the rules are violated, the following error message will appear:

      The admin password does not meet the requirements.

      If no value is entered, the following error message will appear:

      Please enter the admin password.

    • Confirm admin password
      To verify the value entered in the Admin Password field, re-enter the same value in the Confirm Admin Password field.
      The Confirm Admin Password field follows the same input rules, input length, and default value as described for the Admin Password field.
      If the value entered does not match the value in the Admin Password field or if no value is entered, the following error message will appear:

      Password confirmation does not match.


      The password entered at this step is temporary. After the first login with the created account, the password must be changed.

  6. Confirming initial setup

    After verifying the admin's name and ID, click the Go to admin console login screen button to proceed to the admin console login screen.

    The information configured during the initial setup can be modified on the admin console later.

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