Admin login

The admin console can only be accessed via a web browser and requires login with the administrator account.

  1. Admin account authentication: Enter the administrator ID and password to log in to the management console.

    Input rules for input fields:

    Input field Input rules
    Admin ID 3 to 10 characters, lowercase English letters, and numbers.
    Admin Password 8 to 30 characters, including letters, numbers, and special characters (~, !, @, #, $, %, ^, *, -, _, =, /).
  2. Admin two-factor authentication (2FA) or set up 2FA: Complete the 2FA process or set up 2FA for the account.

    Admin accounts with 2FA enabled
    Enter the 6-digit OTP code generated by the OTP app.
    Input rules for input fields:
    Input field Input rules
    2FA code 3 to 10 characters, numbers only.
    Admin accounts without 2FA enabled
    Use the displayed QR code to add the account to a standard mobile OTP app. Enter the 6-digit OTP code generated by the app, then select Set up.
    Input rules for input fields:
    Input field Input rules
    OTP code verification 3 to 10 characters, numbers only.
  3. Logged-in - The admin account successfully logs in.

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