Installation process(4) - After Installation

Table of contents

Environment configuration and service check

Applying environment variables

[root@filingbox box_enterprise_install]# source ~/.bashrc



Once the installation is complete, run the following command in the shell.

source ~/.bashrc

This command will allow you to immediately use the shortcut keywords you have added to the bashrc.

Service Check

root@filingbox:/FBOX/box_enterprise_install:> cd /FBOX/Namusoft/systemShell/

root@filingbox:/FBOX/Namusoft/systemShell:> ./


Navigate to the above path and execute the file.

root@filingbox:/FBOX/Namusoft/systemShell:> schk


Try entering the command "schk".

You can check the service screen as shown below.

The description of this file is provided in the “System Utilities” guide (for reference).

System settings - OS, DB, and key parameter configuration

After installing the OS/solution, leaving the system in its default state may lead to issues in future system operations.

In particular, if the OS's ulimit setting is not configured, the software may fail to function properly. Therefore, it is essential to configure the key settings required for operation.

  1. Execute HELP Shell

    root@filingbox:/FBOX/box_enterprise_install:> boxhelp


    Enter 'boxhelp' in the console screen.


    │ ➤ FilingBox Enterprise Management Console             


    │ ➤ Purpose   : FilingBox Help Desk              

    │ ➤ File Path : /FBOX/Namusoft/systemShell/  

    │ ➤ File Name :                              

    │ ➤ Version   : v1.0                                    




    [FilingBox Help] Please enter the number of the item below.


    > 1. Want to check the status of the Box service?


    > 2. If system settings are required after solution installation?


    > 3. If you need to output system status and reports?


    > 4. If you want to see shortcut information?


    > 5. Help Exit


     What action would you like to perform? [1/2/3/4/5]:



     Enter “2” and proceed.


    │ ➤ FilingBox Enterprise Management Console             


    │ ➤ Purpose   : FilingBox Operating environment and OS environment configuration      

    │ ➤ File Path : /FBOX/Namusoft/systemShell/                    

    │ ➤ File Name :                                         

    │ ➤ Version   : v1.0                                                      



    >> Starting the FilingBox operating environment setup


    >> You must run this with root privileges.

    >> [Please make sure to execute the required items.


    Do you want to continue with the configuration? [y/n]:


    Enter “y” and proceed.

  2. Kernel parameter configuration


    │ ➤ FilingBox Enterprise Management Console                         


    │ ➤ Purpose   : FilingBox Operating environment and OS environment configuration      

    │ ➤ File Path : /FBOX/Namusoft/systemShell/              

    │ ➤ File Name :                                   

    │ ➤ Version   : v1.0                                                




                         Configuration items                                   |     Configuration status    |


     1. [Required] SELINUX Configuration OFF                              |     Configuration complete    |


     2. [Required] Kernel Parameter Configuration                          |     Not configured    |


     3. [Required] my.cnf(mysql/mariadb) Configuration                   |     Not configured    |


     4. [Required] ulimit(open files) Configuration                           |     Not configured    |


     5. [Recommended] Hostname configuration                                    |     Configuration complete    |


     6. [Recommended] Alias configuration(FilingBox Only)                     |     Configuration complete    |


     7. [Recommended] Disable direct root login configuration                   |     Not configured    |


     8. [[Recommended] Change SSH Port                                    |     Not configured    |


     9. [Recommended] MySQL Dump (Backup/Batch) Configuration               |     Not configured    |


     10. [FBE Only] Error/Panic Log Check and Dump Configuration   |     Not configured    |


     11. [FBE Only] Change FilingBox Service IP                                  |


     12. [FBE Only] FilingBox Admin Password Management                          |


     13. [FBE Only] Update Usage for Specific Folders (Personal, Department, Project)         |


     14. [FBE Only] Check System and Service Configuration Integration                 |


     15. [FBE Only] Check User-specific grpserver Daily Logs                     |


     16. [FBE Only] Check Specific Folder (Trash, Backup) Usage                          |


     17. End Configuration                                                                       |



    What action would you like to perform? [1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8/9/10/11/12/13/14/15/16/17]:


    "2" is entered and proceed to the next step.

    What operation would you like to perform? [1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8/9/10/11/12/13/14/15/16/17]: 2


    ▷▷▷ Setting Kernel Parameters.

    Please check the existing values below, and proceed if there are no input values.

    If modification is needed in the future, edit the /etc/sysctl.conf file.



    Check the contents of the [sysctl.conf] file:


    # sysctl settings are defined through files in

    # /usr/lib/sysctl.d/, /run/sysctl.d/, and /etc/sysctl.d/.


    # Vendors settings live in /usr/lib/sysctl.d/.

    # To override a whole file, create a new file with the same in

    # /etc/sysctl.d/ and put new settings there. To override

    # only specific settings, add a file with a lexically later

    # name in /etc/sysctl.d/ and put new settings there.


    # For more information, see sysctl.conf(5) and sysctl.d(5).



    Do you want to continue the configuration? [y/n]:


    Entering "y" will complete the configuration.

    If you want to check the set values, you can view them by running vi /etc/sysctl.conf.

  3. my.cnf Configuration


    │ ➤ FilingBox Enterprise Management Console                         


    │ ➤ Purpose   : FilingBox Operating environment and OS environment configuration      

    │ ➤ File Path : /FBOX/Namusoft/systemShell/              

    │ ➤ File Name :                                   

    │ ➤ Version   : v1.0                                                




                         Configuration items                                  |     Configuration status    |


     1. [Required] SELINUX Configuration OFF                              |     Configuration complete    |


     2. [Required] Kernel Parameter Configuration                         |     Configuration complete    |


     3. [Required] my.cnf(mysql/mariadb) Configuration                  |     Not configured    |


     4. [Required] ulimit(open files) Configuration                          |     Not configured    |


    The following is omitted...


    What task would you like to proceed with? [1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8/9/10/11/12/13/14/15/16/17]:


     Enter “3” and proceed.

    What task would you like to perform? [1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8/9/10/11/12/13/14/15/16/17]: 3


    ▷▷▷ Setting my.cnf.

    Check the existing content below, and proceed if there are no input values.

    If modifications are needed in the future, modify the /etc/my.cnf file.



    [my.cnf] Check the content of the file:



    # This group is read both by the client and the server

    # use it for options that affect everything





    # include *.cnf from the config directory


    !includedir /etc/my.cnf.d




    Do you want to continue with the configuration? [y/n]:


     If you type “y”, the configuration will be completed.

     To check the configured values, you can view the file with `vi /etc/my.cnf`.

     After the configuration is complete, mariadb will be restarted.

  4. ulimit configuration


    │ ➤ FilingBox Enterprise Management Console                         


    │ ➤ Purpose   : FilingBox Operating environment and OS environment configuration      

    │ ➤ File Path : /FBOX/Namusoft/systemShell/              

    │ ➤ File Name :                                   

    │ ➤ Version   : v1.0                                                




                         Configuration items                                  |    Configuration status    |


     1. [Required] SELINUX Configuration OFF                              |     Configuration complete    |


     2. [Required] Kernel Parameter Configuration                         |     Configuration complete    |


     3. [Required] my.cnf(mysql/mariadb) Configuration                  |     Configuration complete    |


     4. [Required] ulimit(open files) Configuration                          |     Not configured    |


    The following is omitted...


    What task would you like to proceed with? [1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8/9/10/11/12/13/14/15/16/17]:


     Enter “4” and proceed.

    What task would you like to proceed with? [1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8/9/10/11/12/13/14/15/16/17]: 4


    ▷▷▷ Checking the system's file-max value.

    ▷▷▷ Set the open files value smaller than the file-max value below.


    Maximum configurable file-max value:



    file_max value is larger than 1024000, Set to 1024000

    Do you want to continue with the open files configuration? [y/n]:


    # This group is read both by the client and the server

    # use it for options that affect everything





    # include *.cnf from the config directory


    !includedir /etc/my.cnf.d




    Do you want to continue with the open files configuration? [y/n]:


     Entering “y” will complete the configuration.

     Since the configuration process is carried out twice, simply select “y” and proceed.


                         Configuration items                                  |     설정여부    |


     1. [Required] SELINUX Configuration OFF                              |     configuration complete    |


     2. [Required] Kernel Parameter Configuration                         |     configuration complete    |


     3. [Required] my.cnf(mysql/mariadb) Configuration                  |     configuration complete    |


     4. [Required] ulimit(open files) Configuration                          |     Not configured    |


    The following is omitted...


    What task would you like to proceed with? [1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8/9/10/11/12/13/14/15/16/17]:


     Once the configuration for the four main items is completed, the message "Configuration Completed" will be displayed as shown above.

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