Installation process (3) - 2nd Installation

Table of contents

2nd Installation definition

After generating the product key from the seed key created during the first installation, the product can be activated by entering the key in a file. The installation is then completed through the second installation.

Re-running and Installation process summary

Re-run the installation shell script

[root@filingbox box_enterprise_install]# ./

The product.key file is required to continue installation.

Installation has been suspended.

[root@filingbox box_enterprise_install]#

If the product key is not entered and is executed, the installation will not proceed and the message above will be displayed.

Open the product.key file at the location [ /FBOX/box_enterprise_install ] using the vi editor and enter the generated product key.

[root@filingbox box_enterprise_install]# ls -al

Total 112

drwxr-xr-x. 6 root root 4096 Apr 17 17:43 data

-rwxr-xr-x. 1 root root 42140 Apr 10 12:37

-rwxr-xr-x. 1 root root 11326 Aug 19 2022

-rwxr-xr-x. 1 root root 2743 Apr 10 16:09

-rwxr-xr-x. 1 root root 25887 Apr 17 17:21

-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 2 Apr 17 18:46 product.key

-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 10 Apr 17 18:29 progress.log

-rwxr-xr-x. 1 root root 3622 Jan 6 2022

-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 65 Apr 17 18:29 seed.key

-rwxr-xr-x. 1 root root 3188 Apr 17 18:29

[root@filingbox box_enterprise_install]#


After creating the product.key file as shown above, re-run the file.

[root@filingbox box_enterprise_install]# ./



│ ➤ FilingBox Enterprise Installation             


│ ➤ Purpose   : S/W Major Install             

│ ➤ File Name : (Step2)

│ ➤ Version   : v1.0                                    



OS type : CentOS Linux release 7.9.2009 (Core)

OS Version : 3.10.0-1160.el7.x86_64

IP :



Service User : It has been set to 'namustorm'



[Database creation and configuration]



Setting up database...

Creating database objects...

CentOS 7 : JAVA_HOME => /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.8.0-openjdk-



[Tomcat installation and service registration]



Installing Apache Tomcat...



[Application(GrpHQ/GrpServer/PushServer) service registration]



Registering GrpHQ(GrpHQ.service) as a service...

Registering GrpServer(GrpServer.service) as a service...

Registering Filing Push Server(filingpush.service) as a service...



[Running all services]



Starting GrpHQ...

Starting GrpServer...

Starting Filing Push Server...

Starting Apache Tomcat...

Starting port forwarding ...

Starting checkprocess... Runs after 3 seconds.



[Firewall settings and open]



Opening ports for FilingBox Enterprise...

nohup: appending output to `nohup.out'





[Alias ​​settings for using the FilingBox(root account)]



Proceed with file settings /root/.bashrc


logMonth=$(date +'%Y%m')

## processMan -> Process User Name, if user is root, Do Set null

processMan='sudo -u namustorm '


alias goshell='cd /FBOX/Namusoft/systemShell'

alias boxhelp='/FBOX/Namusoft/systemShell/'

alias qq='/FBOX/Namusoft/systemShell/'

alias schk='/FBOX/Namusoft/systemShell/'

alias chkstop='pkill -9 -ef checkprocess'

alias chkstart='/FBOX/Namusoft/apps/FilingBox/checkprocess/'

alias grpbin='cd /FBOX/Namusoft/apps/FilingBox/GrpServer/bin'

alias grplog='cd /FBOX/Namusoft/apps/FilingBox/GrpServer/logs/${logMonth}'

alias grpstop='/FBOX/Namusoft/script/ stop'

alias grpstart='${processMan}/FBOX/Namusoft/script/ start'

alias hqbin='cd /FBOX/Namusoft/apps/FilingBox/GrpHQ/bin'

alias hqlog='cd /FBOX/Namusoft/apps/FilingBox/GrpHQ/logs/${logMonth}'

alias hqstop='/FBOX/Namusoft/script/ stop'

alias hqstart='${processMan}/FBOX/Namusoft/script/ start'

alias pushstop='/FBOX/Namusoft/script/ stop'

alias pushstart='${processMan}/FBOX/Namusoft/script/ start'

alias pushlog='cd /FBOX/Namusoft/apps/FilingBox/FilingPushServer/logs/${logMonth}'

alias wasstop='/FBOX/Namusoft/script/ stop'

alias wasstart='${processMan}/FBOX/Namusoft/script/ start'

alias waslog='cd /opt/tomcat/logs'

alias dbstop='systemctl stop mariadb.service'

alias dbstart='systemctl start mariadb.service'

export PS1='\[\e[36;1m\]\u@\[\e[32;1m\]\h:\[\e[31;1m\]\w:> \[\e[0m\]'


Setup is complete. n the Linux Console window, type qq.


[Alias ​​settings for using the FilingBox(namustorm account)]



Proceed with file settings /home/namustorm/.bashrc


logMonth=$(date +'%Y%m')

## processMan -> Process User Name, if user is root, Do Set null

processMan='sudo -u namustorm '


alias goshell='cd /FBOX/Namusoft/systemShell'

alias boxhelp='/FBOX/Namusoft/systemShell/'

alias qq='/FBOX/Namusoft/systemShell/'

alias schk='/FBOX/Namusoft/systemShell/'

alias chkstop='pkill -9 -ef checkprocess'

alias chkstart='/FBOX/Namusoft/apps/FilingBox/checkprocess/'

alias grpbin='cd /FBOX/Namusoft/apps/FilingBox/GrpServer/bin'

alias grplog='cd /FBOX/Namusoft/apps/FilingBox/GrpServer/logs/${logMonth}'

alias grpstop='/FBOX/Namusoft/script/ stop'

alias grpstart='${processMan}/FBOX/Namusoft/script/ start'

alias hqbin='cd /FBOX/Namusoft/apps/FilingBox/GrpHQ/bin'

alias hqlog='cd /FBOX/Namusoft/apps/FilingBox/GrpHQ/logs/${logMonth}'

alias hqstop='/FBOX/Namusoft/script/ stop'

alias hqstart='${processMan}/FBOX/Namusoft/script/ start'

alias pushstop='/FBOX/Namusoft/script/ stop'

alias pushstart='${processMan}/FBOX/Namusoft/script/ start'

alias pushlog='cd /FBOX/Namusoft/apps/FilingBox/FilingPushServer/logs/${logMonth}'

alias wasstop='/FBOX/Namusoft/script/ stop'

alias wasstart='${processMan}/FBOX/Namusoft/script/ start'

alias waslog='cd /opt/tomcat/logs'

alias dbstop='systemctl stop mariadb.service'

alias dbstart='systemctl start mariadb.service'

export PS1='\[\e[36;1m\]\u@\[\e[32;1m\]\h:\[\e[31;1m\]\w:> \[\e[0m\]'


Setup is complete. n the Linux Console window, type qq.


GrpHQ has been installed in /FBOX/Namusoft/apps/FilingBox/GrpHQ.

GrpServer has been installed in /FBOX/Namusoft/apps/FilingBox/GrpServer.

Filing Push Server has been installed in /FBOX/Namusoft/apps/FilingPushServer.

Apache Tomcat has been installed in /opt/tomcat.

The following TCP/IP ports are open.

 80(Box Web)

 10050(GrpHQ Server)

 10080(Box Server)

 10099(Push Service)


FilingBox Enterprise Server has been successfully installed.

Installation complete



Installation is complete. Run the command below

Execution) source ~/.bashrc


[root@filingbox box_enterprise_install]#


During the second installation, the installation proceeds automatically without any confirmation or input.

The main steps include the following:
DB creation, JAVA_HOME setting, Tomcat installation, service registration, service start, bashrc registration (alias), etc.

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