Installation process (2) - 1st Installation

Table of contents

1st Installation definition

[root@filingbox box_enterprise_install]# ./

After completing the pre-installation, the main installation begins. The primary and secondary installations are distinguished by the product key input.

Execute the script from the location where pre-installation was executed.

Running and Installation process overview

  1. Execute the installation shell script

    [root@filingbox box_enterprise_install]# ./


    │ ➤ FilingBox Enterprise Installation          


    │ ➤ Purpose   : S/W Major Install                  

    │ ➤ File Name : (Step2)

    │ ➤ Version   : v1.0                                    



    OS type : CentOS Linux release 7.9.2009 (Core)

    OS Version : 3.10.0-1160.el7.x86_64

    IP :



    Service User : It has been set to 'namustorm'


    Database named 'box' will be created. (If it already exists, all data will be deleted permanently.)

    Are you sure you want to continue? [y/n]:

    After completing the pre-installation, the main installation begins, and the primary and secondary installations are distinguished by the product key input.
    For the initial progress question, select "y" to continue.

  2. Execute the installation shell script


    [Checking and setting installation information]


    FilingBox Enterprise Server settings

    >> Enter the IP information to set.

    >> Please check that the information below is correct

    >> and if it is different, enter the correct IP.


    Service IP address(This machine's IP address) []:

    IP to set :

    Service path(Storage root path) [/storage]:

    Storage Path : /storage

    Do you want to enable Ransomware Prevention? [y]: y

    Do you want to enable File Collector? [y]: y

    Do you want to enable Secret Folder? [y]: y


    Please confirm your settings.

    Service IP address : []

    Service path : [/storage]

    Ransomware Prevention : Enabled

    File Collector : Enabled

    Secret Folder : Enabled


    Are you sure you want to continue? [y/n]:


    Verify if the automatically detected IP is correct. If it is, press [Enter], and if it is different, enter the actual assigned IP and press [Enter].
    Next, choose the storage mount points and whether to activate each feature (y/n) and proceed.
    After final confirmation, if the settings are correct, enter "y" and continue.


    [Create folder and copy files]




    [Install FilingBox Application]



    Installing GrpHQ...

    Installing GrpServer...

    Installing Filing Push Server...

    Installing checkprocess...



    [Creat seed key]



    Checking product.key...



    The product.key file is required to continue installation.

    The seed key of this machine is required to get your product.key file...

    The seed.key file has been created in /FBOX/box_enterprise_install...


    The SEED KEY of this machine is



    Please add your product.key file in /FBOX/box_enterprise_install,

      and then run this installation script again.


    Installation stopped

    [root@filingbox box_enterprise_install]#


    Copy the folders and files to the installation location and install the application.

    The seed.key will be generated as shown above, and the first installation is completed.

Product key issuance

For license issuance, please refer to a separate guide.

If a partner company is performing the installation, they will send the seed key to the manufacturer (Namusoft) and receive the product key.

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