FilingBox MEGA server access and login

Table of Contents

Login and /mount

The FilingBox MEGA2 v2 Linux Client operates through a command-line interface (no separate GUI interface is provided).

cd /namusoft/megaclient
./fbmegas –mount mount_path –addr–port yyyy –id abc

The following is a detailed explanation of the command above.

  1. Entering mount information

    Specify the path to the folder on the device to mount to the FilingBox MEGA2 v2 Server.
    The input rules are as follows.

    • Input Rules: No restrictions on characters, numbers, or special characters
    • Input Length: 1 ~ 128 characters
    • Default Value: None


    You must enter the absolute path value.

    ‘mount’ option)

    ./fbmegas –mount mount_path –addr –port yyyy –id abc 

    If the ‘mount’ option is specified, but the value is not entered, or the ‘mount’ option itself is not specified, the following error message will appear.

    If the mount path entered for the ‘mount’ option does not exist or exceeds 128 characters, the following error message will appear.

    If a file exists at the mount path specified in the ‘mount’ option, the following error message will appear.

  2. Entering Server Connection Information

    Enter the server information (IP address and port) to which the client will connect.

    The rules for each option and input are as follows:


    Enter the IP address of the FilingBox MEGA2 v2 Server the client will log in to.

    • Input rules: No restrictions on characters, numbers, or special characters
    • Input length: 1 ~ 20 characters
    • Default value: None


    The IP address of the FilingBox MEGA2 v2 Server to log into should be obtained from the FilingBox MEGA2 v2 Server administrator.

    ./fbmegas –mount mount_path – –port yyyy–id abc 

    If the ‘address’ option is specified but the value is not entered, the following error message will appear.

    If an incorrect IP address is entered for the ‘address’ option, the following error message will appear.


    Enter the port information for the FilingBox MEGA2 v2 Server that the client will log in to.

    • Input rules: No restrictions on characters, numbers, or special characters
    • Input length: 1 ~ 6 characters
    • Default value: None


    The port information for the FilingBox MEGA2 v2 Server to log into should be obtained from the FilingBox MEGA2 v2 Server administrator.

    ‘port’ option)

    ./fbmegas –mount mount_path –addr –port yyyy –id abc 

    If an incorrect Server port is entered for the ‘port’ option, the following error message will appear.

    If the ‘port’ option is specified but the value is not entered, the following error message will appear.

  3. Entering Login ID

    Enter the login ID for the client to access the server.

    The input rules are as follows:

    Login ID of the device administrator associated with the client.
    • Input rules: No restrictions on characters, numbers, or special characters
    • Input length: 1 ~ 20 characters
    • Default value: None


    The login ID for the FilingBox MEGA2 v2 Server should be obtained from the FilingBox MEGA2 v2 Server administrator.

    ‘id’ option)

    ./fbmegas –mount mount_path –addr –port yyyy –id abc 

    If an incorrect device administrator ID is entered for the ‘id’ option, the following error message will appear.

    If the ‘id’ option is specified but the value is not entered, the following error message will appear.

  4. Entering Login Password

    Enter the password for the client to log in to the server.

    The input rules are as follows:

    • Input rules: No restrictions on characters, numbers, or special characters
    • Input length: 1 ~ 20 characters
    • Default value: None

    If the password is entered incorrectly, the following error message will be displayed.

  5. Entering OTP

    To log in to the client, two-factor authentication (2FA) must be performed. First, open the OTP app installed on the administrator's phone, and enter the 6-digit number currently displayed.

    The input rules are as follows:

    • Input rules: Numbers
    • Input length: 6 characters
    • Default value: None

    If the OTP is entered incorrectly, the error message “Admin authentication failed. Invalid passcode!” will appear.

    If the two-factor authentication is successful, you can check the mount result using the ‘mount’ command as shown below.

Login (First login)

When you install the client and attempt to log in to the Linux Client for the first time, a process will be performed to register a secondary authentication method and change the temporary password.

  1. Registering the secondary authentication method When you attempt to log in to the client for the first time, the screen for registering the secondary authentication method will appear as shown below.

    Since the client requires secondary authentication for login and app registration/deletion actions, you need to register the displayed QR code in the OTP app installed on the administrator's phone. (e.g., Google Authenticator, etc.)

    After launching the Google OTP app, select the 'Scan QR code' menu, and the camera feature will activate. Position the QR code image displayed above within the grid of the camera, and the account will be registered in the Google OTP app.

    To verify that the QR code has been successfully registered on the administrator's phone, run the OTP app and input the 6-digit number currently displayed under the same entry as the account information you are logging in with into the 'totp' prompt, then press the 'enter' key. If it has been successfully registered, the message 'totp authentication succeeded.' will be displayed.

    Screen showing the account registered in the Google OTP app (assuming the login ID is ‘demo1’)

    If OTP authentication is successful, the message “totp authentication succeeded.” will appear.


    Since OTP is used as the secondary authentication method, the time information between the client and the server must match. If there is a time difference of more than 1 minute between the two systems, secondary authentication may fail. In case of failure, please contact the system administrator.

  2. Password Setup

    After installing the client, when you log in to the Linux Client for the first time, you must enter the temporary password. If the entered password matches the password registered on the server, the password change process will proceed automatically.
    This is because the password set by the super administrator when creating the device administrator in the admin web UI is designated as the temporary password. Therefore, the device administrator must set a new password after logging in to the client.

    new password
    The password you wish to set (must include at least one number, one uppercase letter, one lowercase letter, and one special character, and the length should be between 9 and 20 characters).
    • Input rules:
      You must enter at least one uppercase letter, one lowercase letter, one number, and one special character ($!@%*#?&) each.
      If these rules are not followed, the following error messages will appear:

      • If uppercase letters are missing: “no big chars (ex: A-Z)”
      • If lowercase letters are missing: “no small chars (ex: a-z)”
      • If special characters are missing: “no special chars (ex:$!@%*#?&*-)”
      • If numbers are missing: “no numeric chars (ex:0-9)”

      You cannot enter the same character or number consecutively more than 3 times.
      If this rule is violated, the error message “same pattern test:111,222” will appear.

      You cannot input consecutive characters or numbers from the keyboard.
      If this rule is violated, the error message “sequencial pattern (ex:123, qwe)” will appear.

      You cannot re-enter the previously used password.
      If this rule is violated, the error message “same as previous password” will appear.

    • Length of input: 9 to 20 characters
      If this rule is violated, the following error messages will appear:

      • If the length is less than 9 characters: “more than 9 chars”
      • If the length exceeds 20 characters: “less than 21 chars”
    • Default value: None
    confirm password
    To confirm the value entered in the 'new password' field, enter the same value as what was entered in the 'new password' field.

    The input rules, length, and default value for this field are the same as those for the 'new password' field.

    If the value entered does not match the value entered in the 'new password' field, the following error message will appear:

    If the password is set successfully, the message “password change succeeded.” will appear, and login and mount tasks will be performed.

    Successfully completed password setting screen

    Successfully performed mount screen

Login (Password reset)

In the admin web UI site, the password of a specific account can be reset. In such cases, when attempting to log in with the account whose password has been reset, the procedure to re-register the password will be performed as shown below.

new password

The password you wish to set (must contain at least one number, one uppercase letter, one lowercase letter, and one special character, and the length should be between 9 and 20 characters).

  • Input rules:
    You must enter at least one uppercase letter, one lowercase letter, one number, and one special character ($!@%*#?&) each.

    If these rules are not followed, the following error messages will appear:

    • If uppercase letters are missing: “no big chars (ex: A-Z)”
    • If lowercase letters are missing: “no small chars (ex: a-z)”
    • If special characters are missing: “no special chars (ex:$!@%*#?&*-)”
    • If numbers are missing: “no numeric chars (ex:0-9)”

    You cannot enter the same character or number consecutively more than 3 times.
    If this rule is violated, the error message “same pattern test:111,222” will appear.

    You cannot input consecutive characters or numbers from the keyboard.
    If this rule is violated, the error message “sequencial pattern (ex:123, qwe)” will appear.

    You cannot re-enter the password used previously.
    If this rule is violated, the error message “same as previous password” will appear.

  • Length of input: 9 to 20 characters
    If this rule is violated, the following error messages will appear:

    • If the length is less than 9 characters: “more than 9 chars”
    • If the length exceeds 20 characters: “less than 21 chars”
  • Default value: None
confirm password
To confirm the value entered in the 'new password' field, enter the same value as what was entered in the 'new password' field.
The input rules, length, and default value for this field are the same as those for the 'new password' field.

If the value entered does not match the value entered in the 'new password' field, the following error message will appear:

If the password is set successfully, the message "password change succeeded." will appear, and login and mount tasks will be performed.

Successfully completed password setting screen

Successfully performed mount screen

Login failure

The following are cases where client login fails:

Attempting to log in with information that differs from the device administrator information registered on the server

If the device is not registered on the server or if the device and device administrator are not linked


If you enter the wrong password more than 5 times and fail to log in, the account will be locked. While the account is locked, you cannot log in, but the lock will automatically be released after 600 seconds. If login attempts continue to fail, you should contact the FilingBox MEGA2 v2 Server administrator to verify your account information and check if the account is locked.

Please note that login failure counts are only triggered when the ID registered in the FilingBox MEGA2 v2 Server is entered, and a value different from the password stored in the FilingBox MEGA2 v2 Server is entered.

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