Password change

After logging in, to change the password of the logged-in account: Select the logged-in account in the top-right corner of the admin console page, and then choose the Change password option from the dropdown menu.

The information that can be modified on this page is as follows. After completing the changes, click the Change password button to apply the updates.

Current password
The password currently set.
  •  Input rules: No restrictions
  •  Input length: 10 ~ 20 characters
  •  Default value: None

If the input value does not meet the length requirement, the following error message is displayed:

Please enter a valid password.

New password
The password you want to change to
  • The new password must include at least one uppercase letter, one lowercase letter, one number, and one special character ($!@%*#?&).
  • Repeating the same character or number consecutively is not allowed.
  • Inputting sequential characters or numbers is not allowed.

  • Re-entering a previously used password is not allowed.

  • Input length: 10 ~ 20 characters
  • Default value: None

If the rules are violated, the following error message will be displayed:

The new password entered does not meet the requirements.

If no value is entered, the following error message will be displayed:

Please enter a new password.

Confirm new password
Enter the same value as entered in the New Password field to confirm the password.
  • The input rules, length, and default value for the Confirm New Password field are identical to those for the New password field.
  • If the value entered in the Confirm New Password field differs from the value in the New Password field, the following error message will be displayed:

    The new password confirmation does not match.


When an administrator changes their own password, the password change window will not appear upon re-login.

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