
Device Administrators

To log in to the client, device administrator accounts must be created via the Admin Console.

Note: An account that can log in to the client must have 'Device Administrator' permissions. Accounts with 'Device Administrator' permissions cannot log in to the Admin Console. Only administrators with 'Super Administrator' permissions can create 'Device Administrator' accounts.

Device Registration

To log in to the client, the Linux system (device) on which the client is installed must be registered with the server via the Admin Console.

If an attempt is made to log in with a device that is not registered, the following error message will be displayed:

  • Login failure!

Assigning Device Administrators to Devices

For client login, the device administrator account and the Linux system (device) on which the client is installed must be assigned via the Admin Console.

Note: Multiple 'Device Administrator' accounts can be designated to log in to a single client, but concurrent logins are not allowed (only one account can access the server from a single PC at a time).
Note: As clients can register, modify, or delete applications that access data stored on the server, only administrators responsible for the assets protected by the TOE should be designated as 'Device Administrators.'
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