Removing Device Administrators from a Device

Navigation path
Admin Console > Devices > Device name > [Tab] Device Admins

Multiple accounts can be designated to log in to a specific device. To remove an assigned administrator account, follow these steps.

Note: You cannot remove a device administrator account that is currently logged into the client on this device.
  1. Select the Device.
  2. Select the 'Device Admins' Tab.
  3. Select the 'Manage Device Admins' Button.
  4. Hover Over the Account Name to Remove: Move the mouse pointer over the account name you wish to remove. The name will highlight (color change).

    Note: The 'Remove' button does not appear for the account currently logged in.
  5. Select the 'Remove' Button: Found on the right side of the highlighted account name.
  6. Add an Administrator: From the displayed list, select the 'Add' button next to the administrator name you want to assign to the device. Then click outside the list to finalize the selection.
  7. Select the 'Save' button.
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