Adding an Administrator

Navigation path
Admin Console > Admins > [Button] Add Admin

To add a new administrator, navigate to the 'Administrators' page and click the 'Add Administrator' button located at the top left corner. This action opens a page where you can enter details for the new administrator. After entering the required information, click the 'Save' button to register the administrator.

[Name]: Name of the administrator.

  • Input format: No restriction on the format.
  • Input length: 1 to 20 characters.
  • Default value: None.

If the input violates these rules, the following error message will be displayed:

  • Please enter the name between 1 and 20 characters.

[ID]: Login Account

  • Input format: Must begin with a lowercase letter followed by any combination of numbers, underscores '_', and lowercase letters.
  • Input length: 5 to 20 characters.
  • Default value: None.

If the input violates these rules, or if an attempt is made to create an ID that already exists, the following error message will be displayed:

  • Please start with a letter and use a combination of letters, numbers, or '_' characters, with a length between 5 and 20 characters.

[Password]: Set a temporary password that will allow the administrator to initially log in to the Admin Console or client program.

  • Input format
    • Must include at least one uppercase letter, one lowercase letter, one number, and one special character ($!@%*#?&).
    • Must not include consecutive identical characters or sequences of consecutive characters from the keyboard.
  • Input length: 10 to 20 characters.
  • Default Value: None.

If the input violates these rules, the following error message will be displayed:

  • The password entered does not meet the rules.
Note: When logging in for the first time with the set password, the Admin Console will prompt to change the password.

[Password Confirmation]: Re-enter the password to confirm it matches the one entered in the 'Password' field.

The rules for the 'Password Confirmation' field are the same as those for the 'Password' field.

If the values entered do not match, the following error message will be displayed:

  • The new password confirmation does not match.

[Permissions]: Defines the permissions for the administrator.

  • Super Administrator: Access to all menus (Devices, Admins, Audit log, Settings).
  • General Administrator: Access to all menus except for Admins and Settings.
  • [Default] Device Administrator: No access to the Admin Console (can only log in to the client program).

[Allowed IP Addresses for Admin Console Access]: Enter the IP addresses from which this account can log in.

  • Input format
    • Enter IP addresses in the 'x.y.z.u' format where x, y, z, u are numbers from 0 to 254. Subnet addresses like '' or 'x.y.z.0' are not allowed.
    • Up to five IP addresses can be entered, separated by commas (',').
  • Input length: 7 to 79 characters.
  • Default value: None.

If the input violates these rules, the following error message will be displayed:

  • The IP address entered does not match the required format.

If an attempt is made to access the Admin Console from an unregistered IP address, the following error page will be displayed:

  • This is an unusual behavior. Contact your administrator.

The [Allowed IP Addresses for Admin Console Access] field is only displayed when [Permissions] is set to 'General Administrator'.

Changes to the IP addresses that can access the Admin Console for Super Administrators can be made via Admin Console > Settings > [Tab] Admin Console > [Input] Allowed IP Addresses for Super Admin Admin Console Access.

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